happosai's pantie dreamland!

I've finally found Happosai! Congratulations on your discovery, as well! It nearly took me all day! You must be some great martial artist!

Happosai: Hey there, cutie! What are you doing here?

He's getting a little bit too close, but stops dead

Happosai: Hey.. you're not a girl! What are you doing in here?!

Ki: Um.. I wanted to have a word with you.

Happosai: Like I'm supposed to believe that? You want my brazies! I can see it in your eyes.

He began gathering his panty collection into a pile behind him and stood protectively in front of it

Ki: No, honestly! I just wanted to talk to you. I don't care about your panties at all.

Happosai: How'm I supposed to believe you when you're wearing that?

Ki: Master Happosai, please. I'll stand over here in the corner if you prefer.

Happosai: That might do. So what do ya want to know? (sitting down in a pile of panties and sticking a small pipe in his mouth

Ki: Why do you have all of these panties decorating this room? There's a good start?

Happosai: I thought you weren't interested in my panties? Do you like what I've done with the place?

Ki: It's lovely, I like the shades of pink and blue over in... Wait! Happosai, that isn't what I wanted to talk about.

Happosai: Heh heh, so you are interested. How's about we go out for a little run tonight, you know, I'll show you the town. There could be a little profit in it for you.

Ki: No, that's all right, Happosai. I'd just like to know where they all came from.

Happosai: Oh.. well, they're gifts. It's the pay I get for a hard night's work.

Ki: Gifts from who?

Happosai Er... the lovely ladies that live around here.

Ki: I'm not convinced.

Happosai: Don't believe me, eh? You dare to disagree with the founder of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts?

Ki: No! I wasn't doing anything.. it's just hard to believe.. with all the stories and all.

Happosai: Stories? What stories? What have you heard, boy?

Ki: Something about chasing women.. Mr. Tendo asked if I was warned on when I got here about you. I guess he didn't know I was a boy.

Happosai: Soun, huh? I'll have a word with him about that later.

Ki: About founding the School of Anything Goes Martial Arts, I heard that's why you're living here.

Happosai: Yeah, I figured it was about time for me to chose an heir. I would have done it sooner if I wasn't relaxing in that cave for so long.

Ki: Which cave?

Happosai: Oh, the boys thought they'd have a good laugh by sticking me in a cave, sealing it with a stone while I was trapped in a barrel strapped with dynomite.

Ki: You lived through that?!

Happosai: (nodding) I'm not the founder of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts for nothing!

Ki: Wow.. that's amazing, Happosai. So you came here after how long?

Happosai: A decade or so vacation and was forced to choose Ranma as my heir, since Genma and Soun are such weaklings. Plus, Ranma's got such a nice body. (smiling and staring dreamily to the ceiling)

Ki: I assume you mean girl-side Ranma.

Happosai: Pervert! What do you take me for?! Of course I mean Girl-Ranma. Been trying to get that bra there on her for ages. (pointing with his pipe to a silky lace bra hanging from a peg in the wall)

Ki: I bet that doesn't go over well.

Happosai: What an ingrate.

Ki: I've been hearing a lot of that lately. Look, Happosai, I can see you're uncomfortable with me in your collection. I'll be on my way out. I'll pop back in if I get any questions for you.

Happosai: You mean more people are going to be dropping by? That's it.. I gotta move my silky darlings to a safer location.

Ki: I wouldn't worry about it, Happosai. I'll see you later.

Havy any questions you've just been waiting to ask the man? Keep in mind that we decided to actually show who has found Happosai here. If you ask a question, it's not going to be annonymous unless you ask us to put it that way.

JOSEPH S. FURA: HAHA YES!!!!!!!! I found you FIRST! Anyway, if you are so determined to see girls in the public baths, why don't you just send a happo-fire-burst into their clothing lockers?

Happosai: Ahk! What do you think you're doing here, ya little punk!? Don't you even understand? I banished the Happo-dai-karin from ever harming a defencless bra again! It can never be used on the poor innocents! It would be totally immoral. Besides, I got other techniques for that, ya ingrate.

Tiem Song: Have you ever tried to steal Auntie Saotome's underwear?

Happosai: I don't like all this attention to my stache?! Get out! Get out! Hmm? Nodoka? I have panties that you wouldn't believe!? Don't waste time with silly questions! Pick any house in Nerima and be sure that Happosai has been there. (he chuckled softly)